KR Cast chThe grand premiere of Clive Nolan's third musical will take place at the Cheltenham Playhouse on September 2nd, on the second day of "The Fire and the Quest 2" festival. This full theatrical production, directed by Ian Baldwin, will feature the following cast:

Clive Nolan: Professor Samuel King
Gemma Ashley: Eva Bonaduce
Jamie Anderson: William Gardelle
Verity White: Dr. Josephine Kendrick
Robbie Gardner: Tom Worthy
Chris Longman: Colonel Luther Scovil
Joy-Amy Wigman: Helena Blake
Ian Baldwin: Captain Fergus Maunder
Chris Lewis: Edwin Deeks
Ross Andrews: Jacob Alderdyce
Caron Morgan: Martha Kitson
Emily Frechter: Paper Boy
Natalie Barnett: Roza Yakovna





 Book tickets HERE